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Meal Plan, Shop and Prep 101

The New Year brings us endless opportunities to whip ourselves into shape again. While physical activity is a crucial factor in this process, nutrition also plays a key role. Unfortunately, eating healthy can often be a scary and overwhelming concept for most. I put together a few of my tips for making healthy eating a breeze, and I think you're going to love them.

Tip # 1: Plan Ahead

Pick up a journal that you can use to plan your meals for the week. You can also find meal planning journals specifically made for this purpose, however you'll pay the extra cost for one. I picked my journal up at TJ Maxx for about $4.

To use it for planning, you'll need to use two side-by-side pages. Fold the right page in half. On the left side, title the page "Meals." Below the title, write "Breakfast," then skip a few lines and add "Lunch," then skip again and add "Dinner." For breakfast and lunch, I don't usually make 7 different meals each week, so I'll just jot down a few ideas for these meals. Under "Dinner" add each day of the week, starting with the day you're doing your grocery shopping. I do tend to make a different meal for dinner each night. If you have take-out plans for any of these nights, just write "take-out" next to that night (ie. Friday- Take-Out, Pizza). Next, just add in your ideas for each of these meals. If you're unsure of what to make, surf the internet and social media for inspiration. I use Pinterest for ideas every single week! I've been using my journal for quite some time now, so I'll also refer back to earlier weeks for meal ideas.

Once you've come up with some ideas, it's time to make a shopping list. On the folded right page, write the title "List." In the left column, write "Produce," then skip a few lines. This column will include both fresh and frozen produce. Closer to the bottom of this column write "Meat/Fish/Poultry." If you're vegetarian or vegan, feel free to adjust this (ie. Legumes/Plant-Based Protein). This column will include your main sources of protein for the week. In the right column, write "Dairy," or "Dairy Alternatives" if you're plant-based. This column will include all of the dairy products you need for the week. Below this section, add "Canned." This section is for all products that are in a can or jar (ie. fruits and veggies, salsas, nut butters, tuna, etc.). Below this section, write "Misc." This section will be for the items that don't fit into our other sections. I usually add my grain products, coffee, tea, juice, chips, etc. to this section.

Tip #2: Shop Smart

So at this point, we've planned our meals and made a shopping list. The next thing on our to-do list is shop! Your list is set up so you can easily go to a specific section of the grocery store and pick up all of the items you need from that section. It's also set up to keep you out of the middle isles of the store. My first tip for smart shopping is to shop the perimeter of the store. The majority of the nutrient dense items are found in the perimeter of the store. Start in the produce department and get all of the items on your produce list. Next, go to the meat/fish/poultry departments and cross off the items on that list. Then head over to the dairy department and get the items you need on that section of your list. Lastly, venture into the center of the store. This is the part that can be tempting for most. We find all of the cookies and ice cream, sugary cereals and breakfast bars, and sodas in these isles. Remember to stick to your list.

My second tip for shopping smart is to shop the deals. I always shop at Aldi's, which is a grocery store that carries high-quality food and organic options at reasonable prices. If you're on a budget, definitely try to find a store like this in your area, or shop the deals in your local grocery store. It can also be beneficial to check out your stores weekly ads to get some meal ideas based on the sales.

Tip #3: Prep Ahead

The shopping is done and your fridge is full of healthy ingredients. What's next? The prep. Pick a day of the week, preferably the weekend, when you'll have some extra time on your hands. Take this time to prepare a few of your meals for the week. I find that when I have to cook 3 meals every day, I feel overwhelmed. Meal prepping helps to take away some of the stress cooking can cause. Throw on your favorite playlist and preheat your oven! I usually prep my breakfasts and lunches for the week. I'll choose 1 or 2 options for these meals and prep them so I can just grab-and-go. A great breakfast that you can prep ahead is overnight oats. I have a post with 3 tasty varieties right here. Make your breakfasts and lunches ahead of time and store them in containers in the fridge for up to 4 days, or in the freezer for longer storage.

Sample Meal Plan and List:


Option 1- Overnight Oats with Greek Yogurt and Berries

Option 2- Baked Sweet Potato with Greek Yogurt, Almond Butter and Walnuts


Option 1- Grilled Chicken with Quinoa and Roasted Veggies

Option 2- Turkey and Swiss on Whole Grain Tortilla, Spring Mix Side Salad with Roasted Carrots and Balsamic


Sun- Ground Turkey 3 Bean Chili and Cornbread

Mon- Salmon and Cauliflower Rice with Roasted Asparagus

Tue- Shredded Chicken Tacos

Wed- Whole Grain Spaghetti and Turkey Meatballs, Organic Pasta Sauce, Steamed Broccoli

Thu- Baked Seasoned Chicken with Brown Rice and Brussels Sprouts

Fri- Pizza Night

Sat- Tuna Melts on Sourdough with Spring Mix Side Salad

Grocery List:


Sweet Potatoes


Spring Mix



Brussels Sprouts

Shredded Lettuce




Deli Turkey


Ground Turkey


Greek Yogurt

Low Fat Sour Cream

Swiss Cheese Slices

Shredded Cheddar


Black Beans

Kidney Beans

Cannelini Beans

Diced Tomatoes

Tomato Sauce



Organic Pasta Sauce

Almond Butter


Whole Grain Tortillas


Whole Grain Pasta


Brown Rice

Sourdough Bread


Cornbread Mix

Now you have what it takes to start planning and prepping your meals in 2019!

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