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B2S: Three Easy and Dorm Friendly Breakfasts for the Busy Student

I no longer live that dorm life, but when I did, I was clueless when it came to making meals that could be prepared with the 3 kitchen appliances my dorm allowed: the microwave, the refrigerator, and the blender. I often found myself opting for the waffle bar in the cafe, or the local diner for my eggs and bakey.

Unfortunately this is the case for many, if not most students out there. I've decided to write this post in the spirit of back to school (b2s) season. I've been enjoying all three recipes all summer, and think they'd be the perfect addition to your morning munchies.

Recipe 1: The Green Smoothie

Okay, so you probably saw this one coming. But who wouldn't want to put an end to their roommates endless snores by revving up their blender? It's a no brainer. If I have an 8am, you have an 8am. Amiright?


2 Handfuls of fresh or frozen spinach

1 Frozen Banana

1 Cup Liquid (I use coconut milk, but you can use whatever liquid you have on hand. Preferably not the tequila.)


Blend all ingredients in a blender and enjoy!

Recipe 2: The Overnight Oats

This is another one you may have foreseen. I like to think this one helps out all of my procrastinators out there. You can put it in the fridge and literally forget about it until you realize you're starving, and you have class in 5 minutes.


1/2 Cup Rolled Oats

1 Cup Milk of Choice (I use coconut)

2 Tbsp Peanut Butter

1 Tbsp Jelly (I use the no-sugar-added, simply fruit spread)

Fruit of Choice (optional)


1. Layer the PB and jelly on the bottom of an airtight locking container. The kids are using mason jars these days.

2. In a separate bowl, mix your oats and milk together. Add to jar and give it a shake.

3. Place in mini fridge for about 8-12 hours.

4. When ready to devour, top with whatever fruit you have on hand.

Recipe 3: The Chia Pudding

You didn't see this one coming, did you? This is one of my all-time favorite breakies yet. It's so refreshing and it's easy to alter the recipe based on what you have available.


1 Fresh Peach (you can use apples, bananas, bluebs, strawberries, honestly whatever you were able to fit in the tiny crisper drawer of your mini fridge.)

1 Tbsp Maple Syrup (or honey)

1/2 tsp Vanilla

2 Tbsp Chia Seeds

3/4 Cup Milk of choice (you guessed it, I use coconut)

Dash of cinnamon (optional)

Fruit for topping (optional)


For the Pudding:

1. In an airtight locking container, mix chia seeds, maple syrup, vanilla, and milk. Place lid on container and shake well.

2. Place in mini fridge for about 8 hours.

For the Puree:

1. Remove skin and stone from peach. (removing the skin is optional)

2. Place peach in a blender and blend until you've reached your desired consistency.

To Combine:

1. When ready to eat, layer the puree and pudding. Top with fruits of choice and enjoy!

I hope you've enjoyed these three easy and dorm friendly recipes! Each one is packed with the nutrients you'll need to help you get through the beginning of the semester! If you try out a recipe, please share with the hashtag #urbannourished

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