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My Top 5 Essential Oils

This post is one I’ve been wanting to share with you for a while now. I use a variety of essential oils on a daily basis. My favorite thing about using each one is that it’s going to have benefits for my physical and mental health. They are so versatile in their uses and equally as easy to use as they are useful. Here are the 5 Essential Oils I use most in no particular order.

Roman Chamomile Essential Oil


Calming, supports youthful skin and hair, supports healthy immune function

How I Use It:

-Add 1-2 drops to favorite moisturizer, shampoo or conditioner for healthy skin and hair

-Add 1-2 drops in herbal teas or hot beverages to support healthy immune function

-Diffuse or rub on bottoms of feet before bed to promote restful sleep

Eucalyptus Essential Oil


Supports healthy respiratory function, anti-stress

How I Use It:

-Apply 1-2 drops on hands while in the shower. Breathe in deeply to clear airways and promote relaxation

-Diffuse near bed when sick

-Add a few drops to a spray bottle with mint essential oil for a refreshing body spray

Jasmine Essential Oil


Promotes healthy skin, balanced mood, soothes cramping

How I Use It:

-Apply to belly for PMS symptom relief

-Apply drop to fine lines or wrinkles as a decolletage

-Apply a few drops on pulse points on wrists to relieve stress, nervousness

-Apply to pulse points to uplift mood

-Diffuse to uplift mood

Oregano Essential Oil


Cleansing, supports healthy immune function, supports healthy digestion, can soften skin

How I Use It:

-Add a few drops to my lemon water in the morning for a quick immunity boost. Find my recipe here!

-Apply drop to blemishes and ingrown hairs to clear up/prevent infection

Melaleuca Essential Oil (Tea Tree)


Powerful cleanser, rejuvenating, supports healthy immune function

How I Use It:

-Apply topically to sooth minor skin irritations

-Apply topically after shaving to prevent razor burn

-Add a few drops to facial cleanser for a powerful, deep cleanse

Well there ya have it!! I hope this post inspires you to go out and get a few essential oils to use! I recommend trying out a starter kit. Starter kits come with about 10-15 essential oils and information regarding their benefits and uses. When buying, keep in mind that you want 100% pure and organic oils. Make sure they’re safe to ingest before ingesting.

Consider These Before Purchasing Oils:

-No chemicals were used to grow the plant (pesticides, herbicides, etc.)

-Oils were extracted from plant using the correct temperature and pressure to preserve the oil molecules.

-Proper plant varieties

-Harvested at the right time

-Proper testing techniques

Remember, there are other things to consider when purchasing essential oils. Do your research and choose the oils that are best for you!


None of the health topics presented on UrbanNourish have been evaluated or approved by the FDA. They should not replace personal judgment nor medical treatment when indicated, nor are they intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Always talk to your naturopathic physician or doctor about the use of these or any other complimentary modalities.

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