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Holistically Healing: The Common Cold

‘Tis the season, #amiright? I may or may not be writing this post with a tissue drilled into in my left nostril. I’m sorry, was that TMI? The common cold is something I can’t seem to avoid no matter how healthy I aim to be throughout the year. However, I’ve close-to mastered how to kick the unwelcome guest right in the butt. They call me “sensei cold-be-gone.” And by they, I mean me. I’m the only one who calls me that.

Anywho, here are my top ten ninja moves for holistically healing the common cold.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar- I’m not going to lie to you and say that this method tastes good. But I am going to share how to make it taste better. Mix about 1-2 Tablespoons in with some warm water and give it a stir. Add about 1 teaspoon of local honey in and a squeeze of lemon. Stir again and down it. The more ACV you can handle, the better. Take this recipe about twice a day for faster healing.

2. Oil of Oregano- If you’re a frequent reader of mine, you’ve heard me rave about this stuff endlessly. To me, Oil of Oregano is one of the most underrated natural antibiotics. Put a few drops under your tongue and wash it down with OJ. Let the Oil of Oregano do the rest. (do not take if you are pregnant.)

3. Ginger Tea- Ginger has been used to holistically heal for centuries. Peel and grate about 2 tablespoons of fresh ginger and put it in a tea diffuser. Place the diffuser in a mug and pour boiling water over it. Stir a few times and let steep for a few minutes. Let cool a bit before drinking. You can also try store-bought brands like Celestial, Yogi and Traditional Medicinals.

4. Local Raw Honey- Honey’s antiviral and antibacterial properties come from its high content of antioxidants. Add about 1 Tablespoon to your tea or simply eat it from a spoon. This will soothe your throat and boost your immune system.

5. Eucalyptus Oil- Put a few drops into your oil diffuser or burn some over a tea light. For a relaxing steam shower, put a few drops in the back of the tub. You can also add a few drops to a large boil of boiling water; lean over the bowl and cover your head with a towel or blanket. Breathe deeply and clear out your chest and stuffy nose.

6. Choose Simple Foods- Your body needs to use the majority of its energy to heal itself right now. Don’t eat a bunch of processed junk that will take more (unnecessary) energy to digest. Stick to brothy soups, and lots of fruits and vegetables. Try to avoid sugary snacks and beverages.

7. Drink Plenty of Water- Stay hydrated! Please don’t skip out on this one.

8. Boost your Vitamin C and Vitamin D Intake- I take vitamins every single day. When I’m sick, I like to take an extra Vitamin D capsule and I add lemon to everything for some extra Vitamin C. Ask your naturopath or doctor about how much you should be taking daily.

9. Coconut Oil- Would this even be a post of mine if I didn’t mention coconut oil somewhere? I get very dry skin and lips when I have a cold. So this one is for those of you who can relate. Smear some coconut oil on all of those dry areas and let it get to work.

10. Get Your Beauty Rest- Grab yourself a good read, a heating pad, a blanket and a pillow. Or simply take all of those naps you couldn’t take last week. You earned it, dude.

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