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Module 1

Morrison Healthcare Company
Moses Taylor Hospital- Scranton, PA

Morrison Healthcare is a food service company specialized in healthcare, and serves patients, staff and guests of patients. 


Moses Taylor Hospital is a 214-bed, acute care hospital with more than 400 physicians on staff and a commitment to providing quality health care that is patient- and community-focused. As Lackawanna County's first choice for labor and delivery, Moses Taylor is known for its pediatric and neonatal care and was the first hospital in the nation to earn Perinatal Care Certification by The Joint Commission.


This portfolio serves as a glimpse of the many experiences I had throughout the community rotation of my dietetic internship. It encompasses each module: I: Introduction, II: Ethics & Professional Development, III: Food Safety & Sanitation, IV: Purchasing, Receiving, V: Storage & Inventory, VI: Production & Service Systems, VII: Quality Management & Productivity, VIII: Human Resources, and IX: Financial Management.

While interning with Morrison Healthcare at Moses Taylor Hospital, I performed various quality control studies such as time/temp studies and test tray evaluations, as well as participated in safety meetings, hosted a monthly safety huddle with the food service staff, used Webtrition to prepare patient menus, completed inventory and supply ordering and so much more. Continue scrolling to see the variety of tasks I completed while interning with Morrison Healthcare Company at MTH. 

Ethical Case Studies

Ethical Case Studies were completed during orientation at Marywood University from 6/24/18 - 6/26/18.

Professional Meetings

I attended the MD-DHCC Fall Workshop via Zoom on October 5, 2021

I also attended the Vegetarian Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group's Virtual Networking Event via Zoom on October 14th, 2021

Professional Organizations

I am a student member of the Academy of Nutrition

and Dietetics and will be attending FNCE this year virtually. Additionally, I am a member of the Academy's Vegetarian Nutrition and the Diabetes Dietetics Practice Groups.

Professional Development Plans

I utilized the Goal Wizard to create my own Professional Development Plan, and am tracking my progress through an Activity Log of my experiences.

Operations Audit

I performed a safety and sanitation walk-through with my preceptor to ensure that the kitchen is a safe environment for employees and food handling. Below is the form I used to complete my audit. The form includes a section for corrective action and HACCP plan. 

Test Tray Evaluation

I also tested the effectiveness of our transport means for patient food. The catering associates use hot pellets to keep the food warm, as well as insulated food carts to transport the food from the kitchen to the patient floors. Below is the form I used to complete my test tray evaluation.

Time Temperature Study

In addition to my sanitation walk through, I also completed a time temperature study to examine the effectiveness of our temperature control techniques such as hot food storage, and refrigeration. Below is the form I used to complete the study. 

Employee In-Service

My employee in-service was on food allergen safety. I focused the Top 8 Food Allergens and taught food handlers how to avoid cross-contamination and protect our patients from allergen exposure. To assess the effectiveness of my presentation, I used a post-quiz. 

Understanding of HACCP

As a food service manager, it's important to have a solid understanding of HACCP. HACCP stands for Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point, and it's a management system in which food safety is addressed through the analysis and control of biological, chemical, and physical hazards. A HACCP plan is the written document based on the principles of HACCP and it outlines the procedures to be followed for corrective action. HACCP is used every day in food service and it's essential for the assurance of food safety.  

Purchasing, Receiving, Storage & Inventory Report

Below is a report of my observations and experiences with purchasing, receiving, storage and inventory at Moses Taylor Hospital. The food service manager completes a monthly physical inventory, and shipments are received on Monday, Wednesday and Friday each week. Orders are placed about 3-5 times a week. â€‹

Theme Meal: Oktoberfest

My theme meal was in October, so I chose to do make the theme Oktoberfest, complete with beer cheese, pretzels, sauerkraut and brats! Click the links below to see my budget, menu, recipes and production schedule.

Sensory Evaluation

I conducted a sensory evaluation study for my theme meal. I gave participants an evaluation form that asked them about the taste, smell, appearance, mouthfeel and overall acceptance of the menu items served on the day of my theme meal. Below is the form I used for my sensory evaluations. 


Overall, the results of my sensory evaluation were great! Most participants said that the taste, smell and mouthfeel were acceptable. The food item that most people didn't enjoy was sauerkraut. The most accepted food was the pretzels and beer cheese. 

Menu Analyses

A major part of production in food service is the analysis and modification of menus. Below is my nutrient analysis of the therapeutic diets offered at most health care facilities. I completed a nutrient analysis for the regular diet, sodium-restricted diet, carbohydrate (CHO) controlled diet, and the low cholesterol diet. Click on the links to the right to view my modifications of the regular diet to meet the requirements for each therapeutic diet. 

Diet Manual Review

I spent part of my rotation with the clinical dietitians reviewing the diet manual and tools used to prescribe diets and meet the individual needs of our patients. The dietitians at MTH are contracted through Morrison, so they must follow the protocol outlined by Morrison when making diet choices. I reviewed the diet manual, as well as used the program Webtrition to familiarize myself with the tools they use to prescribe diets. 

Module 5 Analysis & Discussion

My theme meal went very well and I had an overall good response from customers and staff. In the future, I would begin preparing for the meal further in advance and involve the kitchen staff more with the menu selections. It was a fun experience and I think the staff really appreciated the special menu. I enjoyed helping with the production of the theme meal and getting a better idea of how the kitchen flows when given a task like this. 

Labor Productivity Study

I conducted a tray line time study to assess the productivity of one of the catering associates during our lunch hour. Below are the findings of my study.  The employee I evaluated completed  an average of 1.2 trays per minute. This is in the top 90% of the previous tray line time studies completed at MTH.

QM Research Project

For my quality management research project, I used my time temperature study from module 3. Below is the full report on my study. 

Hiring & Recruiting During a Global Pandemic

During my rotation at MTH, it was evident that staffing and recruiting had become one of the biggest challenges for the food service director due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The food service department was severely understaffed and it was difficult to find applicants for the vacant positions. Towards the end of my rotation, this issue seemed to ease up a bit however it was not completely resolved. The FSM posted the available positions on various job sites, and was able to interview more applicants. I think being in my internship during this time was a great learning experience and it's given me the opportunity to think critically and resolve issues that food service managers deal with daily. 

Employee Scheduling

Below you can find the master schedule that I completed for the holiday seasons in the food service department at MTH. 


Moses Taylor Hospital Main Entrance


Above & Below are Oktoberfest Theme Meal Items


Retirement Party I Set Up with FSM


A Halloween Themed Charcuterie Board


Chick'n Salad for a Vegetarian Patient, Made From Chickpeas, Mayonnaise, Apple, Dill and Craisins

Module 2

ethics & professional development

Module 3

Food Safety & Sanitation

Module 4

Purchasing, receiving,
storage & inventory

Module 5

production & service systems

Module 6

quality management
& productivity

Module 7

human resources

Module 8

Financial management & employee scheduling

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