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Module 1

Wayne Memorial Hospital- Community Health Department

Wayne Memorial Hospital (WMH) and Wayne Memorial Health System, along with their clinical affiliate Wayne Memorial Community Health Centers, are committed to promoting the health and welfare of the communities they serve. This means that, in addition to diagnostic and treatment services, WMH offers prevention clinics, tips and seminars in conjunction with physicians, nurses, rehabilitation therapists and other medical providers.


This portfolio serves as a glimpse of the many experiences I had throughout the community rotation of my dietetic internship. It encompasses each module: Introduction, Ethics & Professional Development, Legislation & Public Policy, Health Promotion and Wellness, Counseling with Motivational Interviewing/Communicating with the Public, and Evidence-Based Research.

Community Rotation Powerpoint Presentation

While interning in the Community Health Department at WMH, I was given the opportunity to be involved in various community health meetings, podcasts, radio shows, zoom meetings and a National Night Out event. However the program that I worked in for the majority of my time at WMH was the Wayne Memorial Food Prescription Program. 

Wayne Memorial Food Prescription Program

The Wayne Memorial Food Prescription Program (WMFRxP) helps patients with certain diagnoses— congestive heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and diabetes-- who are having difficulty purchasing healthy foods better understand their condition and how eating healthy foods can make a difference in their lives. 


More About the Program

Participants receive education on their disease process

Participants receive nutrition education either in person or via telehealth with a RDN

Participants receive healthy recipes for ease of meal planning

Participants receive grocery store coupons to purchase food to prepare at least one healthy meal a day

Participants receive a monthly staple food bag


With a personal goal to gain my Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist (CDCES) credential, I found this program to be my focus of interest many times over. During this rotation, I worked on a health promotion project that could be used as a learning tool for the participants in the WMFRxP.

Ethical Case Studies

Ethical Case Studies were completed during orientation at Marywood University from 6/24/18 - 6/26/18.

Academy Board Meeting

I plan to attend the MD-DHCC Fall Workshop via Zoom on October 5, 2021

Professional Organizations

I am a student member of the Academy of Nutrition

and Dietetics and will be attending FNCE this year virtually. Additionally, I am a member of the Academy's Vegetarian Nutrition and the Diabetes Dietetics Practice Groups.

Professional Development Plans

I utilized the Goal Wizard to create my own Professional Development Plan, and am tracking my progress through an Activity Log of my experiences.

Legislative Survey

There are many current issues that affect food, food security and/or nutrition that would benefit from legislative involvement. It is important to be familiar with local and state representatives.

Legistlative Letter

I contacted Senator Matthew Cartwright in regards to the Medical Nutrition Therapy Act of 2021.


My health promotion project was designed to be used as a nutrition education tool for the participants in the Wayne Memorial Food Prescription Program. Participants in the program receive staple food items, grocery coupons, and regular visits with their physician and RDN. I wanted to create a tool that can be used to educate participants on everything in between receiving their food and coupons and physically preparing a meal. I decided to develop a grocery store tour that outlined the grocery shopping process from meal planning and making a list to healthy tips for choosing items and reading food labels. My Grocery Store Tour outline, learning materials, and video are linked below. 

Lesson Outline

I completed a lesson plan outline for my nutrition education tool used for the Wayne Memorial Food Prescription Program.


View the lesson plan document below.

BRFSS Report

I completed a Health Report on Overweight and Obesity in the state of Pennsylvania.


View the report below. 

Learning Materials

I created two nutrition education handouts for my Health Promotion Project. View the handouts below along with a SMOG Evaluation on How to Read a Food Label.​


PowerPoint Presentation

I completed a PowerPoint Presentation for my Health Promotion Project.


View the slideshow below. 

Overall Project Report

Overall, my HPP was successful. Based on participant feedback and pre-and post-testing, the program was successful in educating participants on how to go grocery shopping and make healthier decisions in the grocery store. â€‹


80% of participants requested additional learning materials like this one be made for various other nutrition-related topics. 40% of participants said the HPP was helpful, and 60% of participants stated that the HPP was very helpful. 


You can view the Grocery Store Video below. 

Feedback & Evaluations

Below you can find my outcome evaluation form where I evaluated my HPP. Additionally, my preceptor's evaluation of my HPP presentation is found below. 

Marketing Materials

July 25th WMFRxP show –Wayne Memorial Food Prescription Program.
Carol Kneier (my preceptor) and myself, Marywood University Nutrition Intern, discussed who can enroll in the WMFRxP and its benefits.

Nutrition Education Handout

I completed a handout to educate on reading a food label, then determined its readability using a SMOG evaluation. I then re-wrote the handout to be readable for an 8th grade audience. â€‹



You can view the original handout and the re-written handout below.  

Motivational Interviewing

During my community nutrition rotation, I had the opportunity to role play motivational interviewing with my preceptor. Our theoretical patient was a diabetic whose physician ordered nutrition counseling and diabetes education. 

Evidence-Based Materials

Below are links to a few projects I completed during my community rotation that I used evidence-based resources to complete. 


Module 2

Ethics & professional development

Module 3

Legislative & public policy

Module 4

Health promotion & wellness

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